I recently came across a request in which the user wanted me to create a button to send a email when a button is clicked .
The email will contain the few fields
The email will contain the few fields
Code for the custom button in java
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/24.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/24.0/apex.js")} var newQuoteId2 = '{!Quotes__c.Id}'; alert(newQuoteId2); var pageUrl = sforce.apex.execute("makeOrder_SendEmail", "sendEmail",{newQuoteID:newQuoteId2});
Code for the class
global with sharing class{ webservice static void sendEmail(id newQuoteID){ //Creating a new email List mails = new List (); profile pro = [SELECT id,Name FROM Profile where id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()]; system.debug('**** pro id='+ pro.Id + ' *** Name--'+ pro.Name); Quotes__c custQuotesUpdateNew = new Quotes__c(); custQuotesUpdateNew = [SELECT id,Name,Quote_Name__c,Account_Customer__c,Phone_customer__c From Quotes__c WHERE Id =:newQuoteID LIMIT 1]; if(null != custQuotesUpdateNew){ Account relAcc = [SELECT Name,Website,Country__c,CS_Cust_No__c,Country_Calling_Code__c,Street_Name__c,Building_Name__c,City_or_Town__c,Fax FROM Account WHERE ID =: custQuotesUpdateNew.Account_Customer__c]; system.debug('**** relAcc --'+relAcc); system.debug('**** custQuotesUpdate --'+custQuotesUpdateNew); if(relAcc.CS_Cust_No__c == null && pro!= null && pro.name =='C/S UK'){ //new email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); //send to List sendTo = new List (); sendTo.add('piyushs.algo@gmail.com'); mail.setToAddresses(sendTo); //sent from mail.setReplyTo('next email'); mail.setSenderDisplayName('Info'); //The email mail.setSubject('Quote ' +custQuotesUpdateNew.Name+' created without Customer Info'); String body = 'A quote with number : ' + custQuotesUpdateNew.Name+; //body +='Account name' + custQuotesUpdateNew.Account_Customer__c; body +='Quote created without the customer number on the Account ; body +='Below are the details'; body +='Account Detail'; body +='Country -'+relAcc.Country__c+'; body +='Account Name -'+relAcc.Name +; body +='Address Information'; mail.setHtmlBody(body); //adding the email to the list mails.add(mail); system.debug('*******************'+mail); } Messaging.sendEmail(mails); //sending the email system.debug('*******************'+mails); } } }